

Cf:  EFB





The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board recognizes the role of educational technologies in stimulating innovative approaches to teaching and learning and shifting the way educators and students access and transmit information, share ideas, and contact others.  In addition, technology is a key component in transacting the business of the system and Board.  The connection of schools and offices to the global online community brings new responsibilities as well as opportunities.


Network resources are provided for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System (糖心vlog视频).  Appropriate uses include instruction, research, online collaborations, and the official work of the offices, departments, and schools.  The Board expects all employees, students, and Board members who use computing and network resources, including electronic mail and telecommunications tools, to apply them in appropriate ways to the performance of responsibilities associated with their positions and assignments.  The Board directs the Superintendent or authorized designee(s) to specify those behaviors that are permitted and those that are not permitted as well as disseminate appropriate guidelines for the use of technology resources.


In compliance with the Children鈥檚 Internet Protection Act, the 糖心vlog视频 shall use a technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access to Internet sites that fall under any of the definitions contained in Section I, Definitions.  The technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access may be disabled by an authorized individual for bona fide research purposes with the permission of the Superintendent, chief technology officer, or authorized designee(s).  This disabling is permissible only for a student seventeen (17) years of age or older or an authorized employee for the purpose as stated.


The network and Internet user shall be held responsible for his/her actions and activities.  Responsibilities include efficient, ethical and legal utilization of network resources. 


As a matter of public law, any document pertaining to the public business on a publicly funded system is a public record, and this law applies to records stored on district computers, file servers, and email and other data storage systems.


Specific guidelines for students and employees are outlined in Section II: Student Policies and Guidelines; Section III: Employee Policies and Guidelines; Section IV:  Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources for District Enterprise Business Applications; and Section V: General District Technology Policies.


  1. Definitions


    1. Child Pornography 鈥 The term child pornography has the meaning given such term in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code.

    2. Harmful to Minors 鈥 The term harmful to minors means any picture, image, graphic image, file, or other visual depictions that


      1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;

      2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and

      3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.


    1. Minor 鈥 The term minor means an individual who has not attained the age of seventeen (17).

    2. Obscene 鈥 The term obscene has the meaning given such term in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code.

    3. Sexual Act and Sexual Contact 鈥 The terms sexual act and sexual contact have the meanings given such terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.


  1. Student Policies and Guidelines

    Use of network resources and the Internet is for educational purposes.  Adherence to policies and guidelines is required for continued access to technological resources.


    1. Online Safety Instruction

      All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyber-bullying awareness and response.

    2. E-Mail and Telecommunications

      In general, any student use of networks and telecommunication resources must be for educational purposes.  School system rules for student communication also apply in the online environment.  Students must respect and adhere to policies and regulations in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook as well as any other applicable policy, and local, state, and Federal law.

      Students shall:


      1. login and use network resources only with their student account.

      2. logoff and close applications immediately after completing work to prevent unauthorized use of the user ID.

      3. not use e-mail chat rooms, net meeting rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communication including instant messaging systems unless authorized by the district and directly supervised by a teacher. School system rules prohibiting indecent, vulgar, lewd, slanderous, abusive, threatening, sexually harassing, bullying, cyber-bullying or any form of terrorizing language apply to all forms of electronic communications.  The student and parent or guardian shall sign an East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Internet and Network Usage Policy Agreement prior to an e-mail account being issued.

      4. not distribute private information about themselves or others.

      5. not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.

      6. not view, use, or copy passwords to which they are not authorized.


    1. Networks and Internet Use

      Students shall:


      1. use Internet search engines and/or other Internet tools only under the direction and supervision of teachers.

      2. observe copyright laws, citing the source of information accessed over the Internet using a standard system as directed by the teacher and/or librarian.

      3. not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that is illegal, such as obscenity, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works, including, but not limited to, music, games, and movies.

      4. not intentionally access, transmit, copy or create any materials or visual depictions on school or district networks or the Internet that are indecent, vulgar, lewd, slanderous, abusive, threatening, harassing, terrorizing, or harmful to minors. All forms of cyber-bullying are strictly prohibited.

      5. not attempt to gain unauthorized access, including so-called 鈥渉acking鈥  or otherwise compromise any computer or network security or engage in any illegal activities on the Internet, including willfully introducing a computer virus, worm, or other harmful program to the network.

      6. not use, download and install any file sharing program or anonymous proxy programs or websites that bypass the district filtering device.

      7. not use technology resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school or district code of conduct.

      8. not make any purchase on the Internet while using school equipment or Internet service.


Students who may inadvertently access a site that is pornographic, obscene, or harmful to minors shall immediately disconnect from the site and inform the teacher.  The Board does not condone any illegal or inappropriate activities and shall not be responsible for such use by students.  The Board does not guarantee the right to use the Internet and reserves the right to suspend or terminate the privilege of any individual at its sole discretion without notice, cause, or reason.

Any violation of this policy may result in the loss of access to the Internet through the 糖心vlog视频 network.  Additional disciplinary action for students shall be determined in accordance with existing rules and procedures, both administrative and as stipulated in East Baton Rouge Parish School Board policy, and including applicable law enforcement agencies when necessary.


  1. Employee Policies and Guidelines

    Use of network resources and the Internet is for educational and research purposes or to conduct legitimate business of the School Board.  All employees desiring to use school district computers, including the Internet and e-mail systems, must sign the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Internet and Network Usage Policy Agreement and agree to abide by all district policies and regulations.  The Board does not condone any illegal or inappropriate activities and shall not be responsible for such use by staff.  The Board does not guarantee the right to use the Internet and reserves the right to suspend or terminate the privilege of any individual at its sole discretion without notice, cause, or reason.  Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in the loss of computer privileges, access to the Internet and electronic mail account and may result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination.  Furthermore, any activity that may be in violation of local, state, or federal laws shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.


    1. E-Mail and Telecommunications

      Employees must use assigned e-mail accounts in support of educational purposes and conducting district business.  All employees desiring to use telecommunications tools signify by their acceptance of an e-mail account and their signature on the East Baton Rouge Parish Board Internet and Network Usage Policy Agreement their willingness to adhere to School Board policy.  This policy also applies to the use of private e-mail accounts when access is attained using School Board equipment or networks and to access attained through any authorized personal digital device while on School Board property.

      Communication over East Baton Rouge Parish School Board networks is not private.  Network supervision and maintenance may require review and inspection of directories or messages. Messages may sometimes be diverted accidentally to a destination other than the one intended.  The school system reserves the right to access stored records in cases where there is reasonable cause to suspect wrongdoing or misuse of the system.  Courts have ruled that old messages may be subpoenaed, and network supervisors may examine communications in order to ascertain compliance with network guidelines and acceptable use policies.

      In general, employees are expected to communicate in a professional manner consistent with state laws and Board policies governing the behavior of school employees and with federal laws governing copyright.  Electronic mail and telecommunications are not to be utilized for unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification or confidential information regarding any student or employee.

      Employees shall:


      1. not communicate any indecent, vulgar, lewd, slanderous, abusive, threatening, sexually harassing, cyber-bullying or terrorizing e-mail or other messages or materials on school or district networks or the Internet.

      2. not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.

      3. not view, use, or copy passwords to which they are not authorized.

      4. not use technology resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school or district code of conduct or rules.

      5. not disclose, use, or disseminate personal information regarding minors.

      6. not use the e-mail system for commercial, political, personal activities or religious purposes.


    1. Network and Internet Use

      All employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to school system policies regarding networks and the Internet.  Employee policies and regulations apply to all 糖心vlog视频 employees, including classified and unclassified staff and Board members.

      Employees shall:


      1. login and use their network account for only their own use.

      2. logoff and close applications when leaving the computer unattended to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive, protected, or prohibited information.

      3. not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that is illegal, such as obscenity, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works, including but not limited to music, games, and movies.

      4. not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create any materials or visual depictions on school or district networks or the Internet that are indecent, vulgar, lewd, slanderous, abusive, threatening, harassing, terrorizing, or harmful to minors.  All forms of cyber-bullying are strictly prohibited.

      5. not attempt to gain unauthorized access, including so-called 鈥渉acking鈥 or engage in any other unlawful conduct online, including willfully introducing a computer virus, worm, or other harmful program to the network.

      6. not download non-work related files or access or download files from sites delivering streaming audio or video except for educational use in direct instruction of students, for professional development, or to conduct district business.  Any use of streaming audio or video in schools must comply with district procedures.

      7. not download and install any file sharing program that bypasses the district filtering device.

      8. not use the network, email system, or district websites for personal financial gain, political advertising, or issue advocacy.

      9. not use the network, email system, or district websites for fundraising purposes without prior written administrative approval.

      10. not link to personal home pages, use the district site for personal web pages, or use the district site for links to sites of personal interest.

      11. not make any personal purchase on the Internet while using 糖心vlog视频 equipment or Internet service.


    1. Teachers Responsibility for Student Use of Networks and the Internet

      Teachers shall:


      1. not allow students to use their teacher network account.

      2. require students to login to the network with their student account.

      3. ensure that the use of Internet resources is consistent with curriculum objectives of the school system.

      4. preview and evaluate learning resources including Internet sites prior to recommending them for student use.

      5. direct and supervise student access to Internet resources identified through tools such as age-appropriate search engines, directories, resource lists, and news groups, and provide appropriate guidance and instruction to students in the use of those sites that have not been evaluated by the teacher.

      6. limit electronic distribution of assignments, classroom materials, grades, parental advisories, and any other information to systems the district provides for that purpose, in accordance with the 糖心vlog视频 Web Publishing Policy and Guide.

      7. submit a distance learning approval form to the appropriate site and district administrators prior to participating in online educational projects or courses requiring student e-mail access (Instructional Technology Department).

      8. secure a parent or guardian signature on a district Media Release form and keep on file at the school, prior to publishing student pictures or work on the Internet, to protect student privacy (Communications Department).


  1. Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources for District Enterprise Business Applications

    The purpose of this policy is not to impose restrictions that are contrary to the 糖心vlog视频's established culture of openness, trust and integrity; but to outline acceptable and ethical use of information technology resources. Enforcing this policy is an integral part of the district's commitment to protecting its employees, affiliates and itself from illegal, unethical or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly. It is important that every enterprise business-system computer user know the guidelines of this policy, and to conduct their work accordingly.


    1. General Guidelines Regarding Enterprise Business Application Systems:


      1. Prior to gaining access to 糖心vlog视频 information technology resources; all employees, temporary staff, interns, contractors and affiliates must acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the 糖心vlog视频 Internet and Network Use Policy.

      2. All data created on the 糖心vlog视频鈥檚 computer system remains the property of the EBRPSS.  Users are responsible for exercising good judgment when using EBRPSS information technology resources.

      3. Users should be aware that 糖心vlog视频 network, network traffic and devices may be monitored and audited for security and network maintenance purposes at any time by authorized individuals without prior notice.

      4. All confidential and sensitive data must be encrypted and transported exclusively upon 糖心vlog视频-owned devices.

      5. EBRPSS employees should protect the technical resources under their control, such as passwords, computers and data.

      6. 糖心vlog视频 employees are prohibited from sending official 糖心vlog视频 messages from a personal, non-糖心vlog视频 email address.

      7. 糖心vlog视频 employees will not configure personal e-mail to be delivered to an 糖心vlog视频 computer.


    1. The following actions are prohibited on 糖心vlog视频 data networks:


      1. Engaging in any illegal activity under local, state, federal or international law or in violation of EBRPSS policies.

      2. Sharing network user-accounts and passwords with others even on temporary basis.

      3. Storing 糖心vlog视频 sensitive/confidential data on personal computers or devices.

      4. Gaining unauthorized access or modifications to any district, department, or school network or information technology resource for any reason.

      5. Installing unauthorized or unlicensed hardware or software on any 糖心vlog视频 information technology device.

      6. Attaching personally owned devices to the 糖心vlog视频 network without an approved exclusion.

      7. Violating copyright laws including downloading music and non-work related video files.

      8. Installing personally owned digital music or movies on a district-owned computer.

      9. Setting up file sharing in which protected intellectual property is illegally shared such as music or videos.

      10. Using 糖心vlog视频 information technology resources for personal financial gain.

      11. Using an 糖心vlog视频 computing asset to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is in violation of sexual harassment or hostile workplace policies or laws.

      12. Performing any form of harassment or cyber-bullying.

      13. Creating or forwarding chain letters.

      14. Port scanning or security scanning is prohibited unless prior notification to the 糖心vlog视频's chief technology officer is made and authorization is granted.

      15. Leaving a computer unlocked and unattended.

      16. Using instant messaging, voice over internet protocol, or video over internet protocol programs unless authorized for business use.


    1. Password requirements for 糖心vlog视频 enterprise business application systems:

      Passwords keep information safe and to prevent potential security breaches.  Each employee is assigned a password as a method to provide unique access to information technology resources and information. Passwords shall never be shared with others; unless a legitimate business reason exists (e.g. sharing a password with the 糖心vlog视频 Help Desk to solve a computer related problem). If an employee suspects their password has been compromised, it should be changed immediately and reported to the 糖心vlog视频 technology help desk or to the chief technology officer.

      A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of the 糖心vlog视频 network.  A strong password:


      1. Has both upper and lower case letters. (Required)

      2. Has digits or punctuation characters as well as letters. (Required)

      3. Is at least eight alphanumeric characters long. (Required)

      4. Is easy to remember and hard to guess.

      5. Can be typed quickly.

      6. Is changed at least once every forty-five days (Required)


The following shall not be used:


      1. The same password for multiple computer or network systems.

      2. Personal information (pets, names, phone numbers, etc.) as passwords.

      3. Easy to guess or identify passwords such as 1234 or QWERTY.

      4. A password on a computer suspected of having viruses or malware.


It is important to note that the practice of writing down passwords is discouraged, but allowed if it is stored in a secure location.


    1. Virus/Malware/Spyware Prevention and Protection


      1. To protect 糖心vlog视频 information technology resources, data standards or requirements for all computers and devices connected to the 糖心vlog视频 networks must be in place to ensure effective virus and malware detection and prevention.

      2. All 糖心vlog视频 computers must have the standard supported 糖心vlog视频 antivirus program installed and scheduled to run at regular intervals.

      3. The antivirus program and antivirus patterns (definitions) must be kept up-to date.

      4. All 糖心vlog视频 computers must have antispyware program installed.

      5. If it is believed a computer is infected with a virus or performing abnormally, the machine shall be turned off and the 糖心vlog视频 technology help desk shall be contacted immediately.

      6. The use of non-standard programs or shareware is allowed only after approval of the 糖心vlog视频 chief technology officer.


    1. Sensitive/Confidential Data Handling

      The purpose of this policy is to establish awareness and provide guidance on the proper handling of confidential and sensitive information, including but not limited to Social Security Numbers (SSN), credit card numbers and Federal ID numbers maintained by the 糖心vlog视频. Forms of communication include but are not limited to oral or written words, screen displays, electronic transmission (such as email and attachments), printed material, USB storage device, etc; whether it is a partial or full display of the number.


      1. SSNs shall not be used as the primary identifier for any person or entity in any system, unless it is a mandated necessity.

      2. Confidential or sensitive data may not be copied without authorization from 糖心vlog视频 administrators.

      3. Confidential information shall be encrypted before communicated via e-mail or transferring via portable storage devices.

      4. Recipients of confidential or sensitive data shall not disclose the contents to any individual unless that person has a valid need and proper authorization from 糖心vlog视频 Management.

      5. The principle of least privilege must be followed in giving access to data.

      6. Access privileges must be reevaluated regularly; access rights should be revoked or changed accordingly to reflect an individual's role, responsibilities and employment status.

      7. Any release, exposure or potential exposure of confidential information to an unauthorized third party or unauthorized access to 糖心vlog视频's system must be reported immediately to district management.


  1. General District Technology Guidelines


    1. Installation and Maintenance of Hardware and Software

      Installation and maintenance of hardware and software in 糖心vlog视频 schools and offices shall be directed and performed by the appropriate district technology staff. The following guidelines shall be observed:


      1. Computers and other network devices shall be installed and maintained only by authorized staff.  The Board has an obligation to ensure that software on its computers is being used legally according to the software license and to ensure that any software installed does not create problems on that computer or the district network.

      2. A multiple license must be in effect for any software installed on a file server.

      3. All software installed on district computers must be related to the educational purposes of the EBRP School System.

      4. 鈥淢igrating鈥 to an upgraded computer does not carry with it the right to 鈥渕igrate鈥 software unless the software is removed from the original machine and/or properly licensed.

      5. 鈥淢igrating鈥 to upgraded servers or network operating systems does not carry with it the right to continue use of older software designed for older operating systems.

      6. District technical staff has the right and obligation to remove unauthorized and harmful software from computers and will report the incident to the appropriate site and district administration.

      7. Any computer that does not meet the requirements for the district network will no longer be maintained or repaired by the district.

      8. Any computer accessing the Internet without network login and authentication must maintain current anti-virus software.

      9. School Technology Facilitators at each school site are designated to enter work orders for hardware or software installation and maintenance and related issues into the district online system for reporting, maintaining, and tracking documentation on repairs and service calls.


    1. Distance Learning

      Use of video-conferencing in schools must be approved by the appropriate site and district administrators prior to implementation.  Appropriate uses include online courses (distance education/virtual schools), online collaborations, and/or virtual field trips to enhance the comprehensive curriculum, and other approved educational activities, including professional development.  Principals or an authorized designee must submit a Distance Learning Request form for any course or activity requiring student e-mail access.  The student and parent or guardian shall sign an East Baton Rouge Parish Board Internet and Network Usage Policy Agreement prior to an e-mail account or access credentials being issued.

    2. Grants

      Any employee applying for a grant with a technology component must follow East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Grant Procedures and utilize the appropriate Grant Technology Planning form (Office of Coordinator of Grants).

    3. Outside Agencies and Organizations

      Any project in an 糖心vlog视频 school or facility that is initiated and funded by non-糖心vlog视频 agencies or organizations must be planned in conjunction with the Department of Technology Services to ensure that appropriate standards and procedures are followed.

      :  Neither 糖心vlog视频 nor the Department of Technology Services will assume responsibility for maintaining, installing, operating, or repairing any technology installations initiated by outside agencies without prior written agreement approved by the Superintendent, chief technology officer, or authorized designee(s).


The Board expects all employees and students to cooperate in good faith with established policies and rules in order to preserve the integrity of network resources and Internet access for all users.


Adopted:  July 17, 1997 Revised:  June, 2005
Amended:  July 23, 1998 Revised:  December, 2008
Revised:  February 21, 2002 Revised:  June 21, 2012



Ref:     (Internet Safety)

(Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

(Children's Internet Protection Act Certifications for Schools and Libraries)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 搂搂17:81, 17:100.7, 17:280

Board minutes, 7-17-97, 7-23-98, 6-16-05, 6-21-12


East Baton Rouge Parish School Board