It is the policy of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board that no person who is an applicant for admission and, employment, student, parent, or legal guardian of student, or employee, or sources of referral of applicant and employment, and any and all entities having business with the School Board shall on the basis of race, color, national origin, natural, protective, or cultural hairstyle, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or veteran status be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in regard to admission or access to, employment, hiring, promotion, transfer, evaluation, pay, job training, fringe benefits, classification, referral, or dismissal in any educational programs or activities under the jurisdiction of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board. The School Board pledges to protect qualified applicants and employees with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability. The School Board shall also provide qualified applicants and employees with disabilities with reasonable accommodations that do not impose undue hardship.
The Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall investigate any and all complaints that may be brought against the School Board or any individual school in the School District in regard to any complaint of alleged discriminatory action for appropriate treatment by the Superintendent and/or the School Board.
All employees shall be responsible for complying with this policy. Inquiries, concerns, or complaints related to any form of discrimination should be immediately reported to the immediate supervisor who, in turn, shall report the incident to the Superintendent and/or his/her designee. If the supervisor is the alleged discriminator, or the employee does not wish to report the matter to his/her supervisor, the employee may submit the complaint directly to the Superintendent or his/her designee for appropriate inquiry including, when appropriate, investigation. Except for complaints made by students, employees, and applicants of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, the investigation shall proceed in accordance with policy GAMC, Investigations. Further, the School Board prohibits retaliation against any individual for making a complaint under this policy or participating in the investigation of any such complaint. Notice of this policy will be posted including any notices required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 or Part 106 of Title 34 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations.
In accordance with federal and state statutes addressing nondiscrimination of disabled persons, namely Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board attests that no qualified person with a disability shall, solely by reason of a disability, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity; nor shall a qualified person with a disability be subjected to discrimination in employment.
Revised: August 20, 2020
Revised: October 20, 2022
(Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972)
(Age Discrimination in Employment)
(Age Discrimination Act of 1967)
(Age Limits)
et seq. (Vocational Rehabilitation and Other Rehabilitation Services)
(Rehabilitation Act of 1972)
(Nondiscrimination under Federal Grants)
(1964 Civil Rights Act)
(Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)
et seq. (Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance)
Constitution of Louisiana, ,
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:111, 23:301, 23:302, 23:303, 23:311, 23:312, 23:314, 23:322, 23:323, 23:324, 23:332, 23:334, 23:341, 23:342, 23:352, 23:368
Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 91 S.Ct. 849 (1979)
Singleton v. Jackson Municipal Separate School District, 419 F.2d 1211 (5th Cir. 1979)
Board minutes, 8-20-20, 10-20-22
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board