The employees of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board are one of the most important and essential parts of our educational community. The safety and security of each employee is essential to carrying out our mission of providing a safe and comfortable workplace for everyone. Each employee has a reasonable expectation to perform his/her assigned duties in an atmosphere free from threats, assaults, or violence.
Recognizing the increasing incidence of violence in the workplace, the Department of Education and Department of Homeland Security, in collaboration with state agencies, provided guidance to implement the Schools Against Violence in Education Act where the Governor of the State of Louisiana issued Executive Order Number MJD 97-15 committing the Governor and the State of Louisiana to work toward a violence free workplace.
The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board fully supports this effort and is likewise committed to providing a violence free workplace.
Assault – an attempt to commit a battery, or the intentional placing of another in reasonable apprehension of receiving battery. Example: A person may have his/her hand or stick raised and know that he/she has no intention of striking you, but based on the circumstances, you have a reasonable apprehension that you may be struck.
Battery – the intentional use of force or violence upon another; or the intentional administration of a poison or other noxious liquid or substance to another.
Credible Threat – a statement or action that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his/her safety or that of another person and does, in fact, cause such fear.
Intentional Act – refers to conduct when the circumstances indicate that the offender, in the course of human experience, must have considered the criminal consequences as reasonably certain to result from his/her act or failure to act.
Violence – the commission of an assault or battery or the making of a credible threat.
Workplace – any site where an employee is placed for the purpose of completing job assignments.
Workplace Violence – violence that takes place in the workplace.
The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board is strongly committed to the visibility and commitment of top-level supervision. The School Board provides the motivation and resources to deal effectively with workplace violence and includes:
Organizational concern for employee emotional well-being, and physical safety and health.
Commitment to the safety and security of all persons at the workplace.
Assurance that all supervisors and employees understand their roles and responsibilities.
Accountability for involved supervisors and employees.
Debriefing/counseling for employees experiencing or witnessing assaults and other violent incidents.
Support and implementation of appropriate recommendations from the Department of School Safety.
Treatment of workplace violence, incidents, complaints, and concerns with seriousness.
Keeping confidential all reports and the identification of parties, except to those “who have a legitimate need to know” and to the extent allowed by the law.
Employees of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board are required to report to their principal, supervisor, or manager all threats or incidents of violent behavior in the workplace which they observe or of which they are informed. Examples of inappropriate behavior which should be reported include:
Unwelcome name-calling, obscene language and other abusive behavior.
Intimidation through direct or veiled verbal threats.
Physically touching another employee in an intimidating, malicious, or sexually harassing manner, including such acts as hitting, slapping, poking, kicking, pinching, grabbing, or pushing.
Physically intimidating others, to include, but not limited to: obscene gestures, “getting in your face,” fist-shaking, or throwing an object.
In all cases of violence in the workplace, employees should cooperate fully with the Department of School Safety protocols, which will review and evaluate cases of workplace violence. All employees are encouraged to participate in complaint or suggestions procedures covering safety and security.
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES (How to report an incident or threat)
The following procedures are established to report any and all incidents of workplace violence:
Once an incident of workplace violence occurs, the employee shall immediately call:
The principal of the school
The supervisor or manager of a School Board facility
911, when necessary
Once the situation is under control and there is no immediate threat to life, contact the Department of School Safety.
The Department of School Safety will immediately evaluate the situation, according to policy, and decide the appropriate response or course of chosen action.
The following action(s) should be taken in accordance with the severity of the incident:
If the situation is not dangerous:
Implement a “cooling off” period. Separate and isolate those involved in the incident until they are interviewed and statements taken.
Separate witnesses until they are interviewed and their statements taken.
Document all actions and statements.
Notify your supervisor.
Notify the Department of School Safety.
If the situation is dangerous:
Immediately notify law enforcement at emergency telephone #911. Order all those presenting the danger to leave the area immediately.
Do not attempt to physically remove an individual. Leave it to law enforcement.
As soon as possible, document all actions and statements.
Notify your supervisor.
Notify the Department of School Safety.
Whenever the incident takes place, injured employees will receive appropriate medical treatment and psychological help as necessary. Any employee who has been threatened or assaulted by another at the workplace will immediately report the situation to his/her supervisor. The supervisor to whom the incident is reported will immediately notify the Department of School Safety and local law enforcement.
New policy: March 16, 2023
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:81
Board minutes, 3-16-23
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board