All teachers shall be expected to do both long-term and short-term lesson planning.


Long-term planning will be in the form of a session plan.  A copy of the long-term plan shall be due in the principal's office before the end of the first nine weeks and may be done by grade levels.


Short-term planning refers to daily and weekly lesson plans and unit planning. Daily plans are expected to be kept by each teacher.  Unit plans should be submitted to the office in skeleton outline form.  Lesson plans are not complete unless objectives, materials, procedure/activities, assessment/evaluation, and "frameworks" codes are included.


Use of audio-visual equipment, such as television, tape or disk players, etc. must be included in the lesson plan, either under "materials of instruction" or noted as part of a discipline incentive.


Long range planning is usually characterized by the overall plan for adapting the curriculum materials to a specific group of children.  At the start of either a new school year or a new unit in the classroom, teachers shall consult curriculum materials of courses of study in order to determine what the general range and framework of activities are to be.  The teacher should also familiarize himself/herself with the students in the class in order to adapt the curriculum materials to the needs of the students.


Each grade level shall be expected to meet for collaborative planning weekly.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:81


East Baton Rouge Parish School Board