Cf:  EB





The possession and use of any tobacco products shall be prohibited on any school campus, school vehicle or any other East Baton Rouge Parish School Board property.  School campus includes the elementary or secondary school building and buildings on that campus, school grounds, playgrounds, premises, and property, including but not limited to land, improvements, and school facilities located on the property of any elementary or secondary school.  School Board property shall include any portable buildings, field houses, stadiums, equipment storage areas, vacant land or any property owned, operated or leased by the School Board.  The possession and use of any tobacco products shall be prohibited at school-sponsored functions away from school property.


This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, any e-cigs, e-cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporizers, vape pens, and vape mods.


Students and parents shall be given notice of this policy every year through the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook (see General Discipline Regulations:  Administrator Intervention).  Students and parents shall be required to certify that a copy of the handbook has been received and read.


As an alternative to punishing those students who are found in violation of this policy, students shall be referred to the school’s health provider (nurse, health center or social worker) for a tobacco intervention.  The school’s health provider shall have the option of referring the student a free counseling service done over the phone for tobacco cessation.


Students who violate this policy shall be disciplined following the outlines in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.


Revised:  November 16, 2017



Ref:     (Nonsmoking Policy for Children’s Services)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:240, 17:416, 40:1291.1, 40:1291.2, 40:1291.3, 40:1291.11, 40:1291.21

Board minutes, 11-16-17


East Baton Rouge Parish School Board