The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board recognizes that students who participate in either indoor or outdoor recess are more productive and attentive in class and behave better in the classroom. Recess can also serve to foster relationships among students, create youth involvement opportunities, and teach conflict resolution. Students who are allowed to play and interact during recess develop important communication and coping skills such as cooperation, problem-solving, and self-control.
Recess is defined as unstructured physical activity among students that is a regularly scheduled period during a school day. This period encourages all students to be physically active and engage in various activities with their peers.
During recess students are supervised by trained school staff or volunteers.
Principals will provide grades K-8 with a minimum of one recess period of thirty minutes per day for students in kindergarten – 8th grade, which may be incorporated before the lunch period. If incorporated before lunch, the school will provide appropriate handwashing and/or hand-sanitizing mechanisms for students prior to meal consumption. Each school’s minimum instructional day required by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:154.1 is to exclude the minutes allowed for lunches and recesses. There should not be a period of classes longer than 3 hours 14 minutes without a thirty (30) minute recess; however, as an option, the break between periods 2 and 3 must be at least fifteen (15) minutes and add an extra fifteen (15) minutes to the lunch period. Schedules are to be free of any 3 straight 97 minute blocks without a recess. Each school day length (start time-end time) is to allow for lunches and recesses.
Recess will complement, not substitute nor replace, physical education class. Additionally, recess will not be withheld as a punishment. Adult monitors/teachers will encourage physical activity and engage with students whenever feasible.
Weather conditions may discourage outdoor recess. Schools should set indoor recess guidelines when the outdoor temperature is above/below the system-set temperature or other weather conditions prevail.
Alternative schools, as identified in policy IDDG, Alternative Schools Education Program, may opt out of the requirements of policy JGBA, if the administrator of the school submits a letter to the Superintendent requesting a waiver from the policy. The written request must provide a reasonable basis for exemption and the Superintendent must approve the request for an exemption.
Any non-alternative school may request exemption from the policy if the administrator submits a letter to the Superintendent requesting a waiver from the policy. The written request must provide a reasonable basis for exemption. The Superintendent may recommend approval or denial of the request to the School Board. The matter must be considered by the School Board at its next regular meeting. The School Board has the sole authority to approve or deny a request for a waiver or exemption to policy JGBA for non-alternative schools.
New policy: June 15, 2023
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:17.7
Board minutes, 6-15-23
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board