Cf:  JBC





The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board shall require each student entering any school for the first time, and at any other time as required by the state, to present satisfactory evidence of immunity to or immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases according to state law and a schedule approved by the state Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Office of Public Health (OPH), or present evidence of an immunization program in progress.  The School Board may require immunizations or proof of immunity more extensive than required by the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Office of Public Health (OPH).  Any student failing to meet the immunization standards shall be prohibited from attending school until such time as the immunization standards are met.


In progress shall mean that the student has an immunization due after the date school has begun, because the student began his/her immunization late, or because the student’s pediatrician has provided written orders for the student to receive an immunization after a certain date.




A student transferring from another school system in or out of the state shall submit either a certificate of immunization or a letter from his/her personal physician or a public health clinic indicating immunization against the diseases in the schedule approved by the Office of Public Health have been performed, or a statement that such immunizations are in progress.


If booster injections for the diseases enumerated on the state schedule are advised, such booster injections shall be administered before the student enters a school system within the state.




Principals or their designated representatives shall be responsible for checking students' records to see that the provisions of this policy are enforced, and to electronically transmit immunization reports to the OPH through the Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids Statewide, when capable.




No student seeking to enter any public school in East Baton Rouge Parish shall be required to comply with the provisions of this written policy if the student or his/her parent or guardian submits either a written statement from a physician stating that this procedure is contraindicated for medical reasons, or a written dissent from the student or his/her parents.


Exception in compliance may also apply to any person who is unable to comply due to a shortage in the supply of available vaccinations.




If an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease occurs, upon the recommendation of the state Office of Public Health, school administrators may exclude from attendance unimmunized students until the appropriate disease incubation period has expired, or the unimmunized person presents evidence of immunization.


Revised:  July 18, 2019



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:170, 17:170.1, 17:170.2, 17:170.3, 17:170.4

Health and Safety, Bulletin 135, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 7-18-19


East Baton Rouge Parish School Board