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Career & Technical Improvement (CTEI)

This grant provides supplemental funds to support the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) grant and other CTE activities. The purpose of this program is to develop the academic and career and technical skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs, by
  • Strengthening academic and technical skills of students in these programs to meet the Illinois Learning Standards through preparation for high skills, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging professions;
  • Promoting the development of services and activities that integrate rigorous and challenging academic and career and technical instruction, and that link secondary education and postsecondary education for participating career and technical education students;
  • Providing services and activities designed to develop, implement, and improve career and technical education, including programs of study;
  • Providing technical assistance to promote leadership, initial preparation, and comprehensive professional development at the local level that improves the quality of career and technical education teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors;
  • Supporting partnerships among secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, baccalaureate degree granting institutions, area career and technical education schools; local workforce investment boards, business and industry, and intermediaries; and
  • Providing activities for support, development and implementation of an organized sequence of career and development learning activities for students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant (PERKINS)

The purpose of this grant is to develop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs, by—
  • Strengthening academic and technical skills of students in these programs to meet the Illinois Learning Standards through preparation for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging professions;
  • Promoting the development of services and activities that integrate rigorous and challenging academic and career and technical instruction, and that link secondary education and postsecondary education for participating career and technical education students;
  • Providing services and activities designed to develop, implement, and improve career and technical education, including programs of study;
  • Providing technical assistance to promote leadership, initial preparation, and comprehensive professional development at the local level that improves the quality of career and technical education teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors; and
  • Supporting partnerships among secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, baccalaureate degree granting institutions, area career and technical education schools, local workforce investment boards, business and industry, and intermediaries

Consolidated Application for TBE/TPI

The purpose of this consolidated application (State TBE and TPI grant, Federal Title III LIPLEPS and Immigrant Program) is to provide supplemental financial assistance to help local school districts meet the extra costs of developing and carrying out high-quality programs for English Language Learners (ELLs) and immigrant children in accordance with state and federal requirements so that the children can attain English proficiency and meet the same challenging academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet.