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糖心vlog视频 assigns and supports a student’s attendance at the home school, as determined by the attendance zone boundaries based on the student’s home address. Parents/Guardians may request for attendance to a school other than the home school, referred to as an Attendance Transfer Request (ATR). SD308 ATR approvals are considered per qualifying provisions/conditions of the BOE policy (7:30) not limited to:

鈼 Student’s educational need
鈼 Program capacity
鈼 Space availability at the receiving school
鈼 Fiscal requirements of the school district
鈼 Adhere with ATR criteria

Consideration for an ATR approval will only occur after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted to meet the student’s needs at the home school. (i.e., required meeting with the
building principal, evidence of supportive measures attempted, such as safety/support plan, student services sessions, schedule change, etc.)

An ATR approval is subject to an ongoing review of the child’s satisfactory academic performance, attendance, and behavior.

Attendance Transfer Requests can only be submitted by a Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of a current or prospective student/s during the OPEN submission ATR window.